2560 Post Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087 | Tel: 330-425-2565
JOIN US IN WORSHIP! In Person or on Facebook | Service begins at 9:30am.

Join us every
Sunday at 9:30 am
Come as you are! We're not fancy or formal, just a group of friends who love Jesus and love like Jesus. Everyone is welcome 9:30 am in person or on Facebook.
We'll save you a seat!
Sometimes it helps to know others are praying for you.
So we have groups that lift up people in our faith community. Members or not, we want to pray for you!
Women pray on Monday evenings starting at 6:45 pm.
Men pray Saturday mornings at 8 am.
Join us anytime to speak and listen to God one-on-one.
Led by Lay Preacher, Brad Hadden | In-Person or On-Line
Study Guides will be provided each week by email. We will be using the New International Version (NIV) which Pastor Blickle has secured rights to for this study, so the NIV text we are studying each week will be provided to you as part of the Study Guide.
Serving our Community | Loving like Jesus
Community Meal and Food Pantry available the 2nd Sunday of every month
Our meals and pantry are open from 4:00 pm until 5:30 pm.
The meal is completely free to all who attend.
The pantry is available to all in need.
Faith Twinsburg United Methodist Church stands in solidarity with our
East Ohio Conference in denouncing racism in any form.
For the full statement and signatures follow this link:
Anti-Racism commitment from the extended cabinet of the East Ohio Conference UMC.